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SoCal Mountains
Each piece of art is uniquely created, this includes SoCal Mountains. My art pieces can be purchased as multiple mediums: Canvases, Framed Pieces, Prints & T-Shirts.

Cactus Star Flower
This is a real flower growing on a succulent cactus. The flower, which takes the form of a starfish, measured 3 inches in diameter and was a treat to see sprout. This flower, although difficult to grow, adorned my yard for several days.

Cathedral City, California Palms
Cathedral City is a desert city in the Coachella Valley in California. Along Highway 111, one of the main thoroughfares through the Coachella Valley, one has the opportunity to drive alongside beautiful palm trees while seeing the San Jacinto Mountains in the background. The trees and mountains wonderfully compliment each other.

Desert Snow
The San Jacinto mountains prop up from the desert that surrounds Palm Springs, California. The contrast of dry desert agains snow-capped mountains is a common sight during the winter months. The beauty between these two can be appreciated in this photograph.

Idyllwild, California Mountain View
Idyllwild, California is a small mountain town located at the top of one of the San Jacinto Mountains which overlook Palm Springs, California. This photograph was taken of a lone standing pine tree by the road leading up to Idyllwild.

Mountain Forest Night Landscape
This illustration is black ink on paper. The simplicity of pine tree silhouettes against a moon lit mountain range is what is depicted here. This drawing is completely imaginary and was not inspired by any actual landscape.

Palm Springs San Jacinto Mountain View
Palm Springs is a resort town located in the Southern California desert. It is known for the many palm trees that line its streets and the fresh water springs that are located in various local areas. Here its famous palm trees compliment the San Jacinto Mountains.

Palm Springs Wind-Turbines
Wind turbines are very common the the Coachella Valley in the desert areas around Palm Springs, California. The valley floor is very flat and open which allows for winds to blow regularly. The turbines' blades spin in these winds generating clean energy for local residents.

Rancho Mirage Sunset
Rancho Mirage, California is a city in the Coachella Valley near Palm Springs. To the west are the San Jacinto Mountains which at sunset become the backdrop to awe-inspiring sunsets.

Riverside Desert Hills
The city of Riverside, California is a located some 40 miles east of Los Angeles. Deserts, forest covered mountains, and expansive beaches make up our local geography. The hills depicted here are in Riverside. These hills are dry and barren and resemble more of a desert image even though they’re actually located within the city limits of a thriving Southern California city.

Salton Sea, California Red Sunset 1
The Salton Sea is California's largest lake. In the 1950s and 1960s the lake was a resort area for celebrities and families in the Southern California area. Today, it is evaporating quickly because it doesn't have a viable flow of freshwater to sustain it. While it does sustain an abundance of migratory birds, the lake itself today is over polluted making it unusable by humans for recreational purposes. However, the lake does offer beautiful sunsets and vistas for those visiting it. It has also been discovered to contain some of the world's largest lithium deposits on it's southern end, and these are being mined for use in electronic devices.

Salton Sea, California Red Sunset 2
The Salton Sea is California's largest lake. In the 1950s and 1960s the lake was a resort area for celebrities and families from the Southern California area. Today it is evaporating quickly because it doesn't have a viable flow of freshwater to sustain it. While it does sustain an abundance of migratory birds, the lake itself today is over polluted making it unusable by humans for recreational purposes. However, the lake does offer beautiful sunsets and vistas for those visiting it.

Salton Sea, California Sunset 1
The Salton Sea is California's largest lake. In the 1950s and 1960s the lake was a resort area for celebrities and families from the Palm Springs area.Today it is evaporating quickly because it doesn't have a viable flow of freshwater to sustain it. While it does sustain an abundance of migratory birds, the lake itself today is overp olluted making it unusable by humans for recreational purposes. However, the lake does offer beautiful sunset and vistas for those visiting it.

Salton Sea, California Sunset 2
The Salton Sea is California's largest lake. In the 1950s and 1960s the lake was a resort area for celebrities and families from the Palm Springs area. Today it is evaporating quickly because it doesn't have a viable flow of freshwater to sustain it. While it does sustain an abundance of migratory birds, the lake itself today is over polluted making it unusable by humans for recreational purposes. However, the lake does offer beautiful sunset and vistas for those visiting it.

Salton Sea, California Sunset 3
The Salton Sea is California's largest lake. In the 1950s and 1960s the lake was a resort area for celebrities and families from the Palm Springs area.Today it is evaporating quickly because it doesn't have a viable flow of freshwater to sustain it. While it does sustain an abundance of migratory birds, the lake itself today is overp olluted making it unusable by humans for recreational purposes. However, the lake does offer beautiful sunset and vistas for those visiting it.

Salton Sea, California Sunset Black & White
The Salton Sea is California's largest lake. In the 1950s and 1960s the lake was a resort area for celebrities and families from the Palm Springs area.Today it is evaporating quickly because it doesn't have a viable flow of freshwater to sustain it. While it does sustain an abundance of migratory birds, the lake itself today is overp olluted making it unusable by humans for recreational purposes. However, the lake does offer beautiful sunset and vistas for those visiting it.

San Bernardino Snow Capped Mountains
This photograph of the San Bernadino mountains range north east of Los Angeles, California. It was taken during the winter when these mountains were completely covered with snow. These snowcapped mountains create beautiful panoramas that can be enjoyed throughout the Los Angeles area.

San Bernardino Snow Capped Mountains 2
This photograph is also of the San Bernadino mountains range north east of Los Angeles, California. It was taken during the winter when these mountains were completely covered with snow. These snowcapped mountains create beautiful panoramas that can be enjoyed throughout the Los Angeles area.

San Diego Hills Sunset
San Diego, California is the second largest city in California. These hills border the northern edge of San Diego and are used for growing avocados. The clouds remained after a brief rain showered the hills, and the parting of the clouds gave the opportunity to capture this sunset image.

San Jacinto Mountains Sunset
The San Jacinto Mountains border Palm Springs, California. A wind-turbine lines the foreground in this picture as they are common in this desert region of California. The evening drives through this part of the desert allows for captivating sunsets.

Sunset Over Cabazon
Cabazon, California is just west of Palm Springs. When one travels from Palm Springs to Los Angeles one crosses through Cabazon. One of the great benefits of this western drive through Cabazon is the captivating sunsets that one has fortunate to see.

Tahquitz Canyon Stream, Palm Springs
The Tahquitz Canyon in Palm Springs, California can have waterfalls that form a stream that flows downhill towards Palm Springs. The stream here was photographed on a hike up the Tahquitz Canyon trail.

Tahquitz Canyon Trail, Palm Springs
The Tahquitz Canyon Trail in Palm Springs, California is a hike up from the city to the San Jacinto Mountains on the western edge of the city. This image is of an stone outgrowth on the trail. This colorful outgrowth is a spectacular view when hiking the trail.

Tahquitz Canyon Waterfall, Palm Springs
The Tahquitz Canyon leads up from Palm Springs, California. The waterfall can be viewed at the top of the hiking trail when the Palm Springs area has had vast snow and/or rain fall. Pictured in this image is the waterfall formed after vast amounts of snow that fell on the San Jacinto Mountains had melted.

Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
The western tiger swallowtail butterfly photographed here resting in my garden is found throughout the western edge of North America stretching from Canada to Mexico. I am fortunate to have these beautiful butterflies nest in my backyard every spring through summer.
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